You there! Does one have extensive experience in the enlightened field of sanitations? Has one exclusive knowledges of latrines and closeted plumbing besides? Your service may be directly availed and in great demands - read onward one and all
The project is still in the stages of reconnaissance! I have been tentatively scouting door to door on the pub front. Admittedly, i couldn't exactly call it an all out toilet tour de force. I have been picking my pubs and choosing my clubs and what is needed, and i know it, is an all out whip-round to all. To dive in, hypothetically speaking, phone first.
The trouble is, from the locations seen, there is a lot that are too small, not quiet interesting enough, too dark, strangely composed and a hundred other reasons that dont make them ideal for the project. So there has been quite a lot of time spent barking up the wrong...tree (restraint with the puns now). Worse then mis-spending my own time is having some tired security chap grant me access only to have me hand him an extensive list of all his toilet's inadequacies. Also, I am a male. So here's to 50% unseen.
What i really need is suggestions! From any toilet experience in Edinburgh past or present: bars, cafes, clubs, houses, mansions, ditches... any great location that stood out just enough. Anything is beneficial, If there is anywhere you can think of please leave your knowledge in the comments section.
Canny Mans in Mornigside?