That silent, invisible, porcelain monument, Glossy and sculpted and made in our curious form. Shaped to fit its one particular function. Closeted away behind its own door, it exists on a social divide, on its own turf unlike anything else in the world. From across the room, it is furniture, necessary and ungainly. But from upon, the dynamic changes. Its awkward and humorous surface is broken, its urgent service availed, and what is revealed!?

Welcome to the blog of Sitters. The project is a study through portraiture of the most unifying of all themes human, the toilet. This project is all about revealing the hidden. There could scarcely be a ritual so ancient or emblem of civilisation so indelible, that is less acknowledged. Its function is the function of the human body, an age old marriage.

Yet it is difficult to visualise. We can hardly recall the where and when of our life's visitations let alone the events that surround them (except for the unspeakably extreme). For something so common, so universal, it is unmatched in its unfamiliarity. It is private, closed and altogether invisible. The aim of Sitters is to show the toilet and its inevitable role as who we are. The project flushes out the taboo and restraint that surrounds the subject and plumbs the small entitlements we take for granted. That's all the toilet jokes i promise.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

You don't say

 The search continues! The obsession deepens....

I think i can safely predict that not a man alive will hate a toilet like i will come summer. But, for the meantime wrap your eyes around these gems! Another week and the hunt is still on with some diamond suggestions and golden discoveries. The location slots are starting to fill up nicely and i've been buried in notes and scribbles this week matching them up with the sitters. Its funny to see it come alive in my small charcoal sketches.I have been trying to push the context of the toilet away from the bathroom and to that end, i still have a lot of work left.
There is still an ace up the sleeve though! Keep tuned



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